There are several parts outlined from here on. If you don’t want to know the theme, then stop here: 1. 1) Theme - mandatory 2. 2) Constraints - mandatory 3) Achievements – optional for a greater challenge. Theme: – Deception Constraints: - Each game must contain at least one of these items based on your time zone. Only ONE is necessary, if they want to incorporate more, we don’t care. GMT-2: Lines, Mines, or Pines Achievements: - This is only for those that want this challenge. We are offering 10 and will only accept 4 per game. Instant Online Gratification Game requires no file downloads (browser objects are OK), and has been verified to work on IE8, FF3, Latest Safari and Latest Chrome Singing the Body Electric A game that uses only sound effects produced by the body, stomach gurgles, vocalizations, clapping, etc The Hack Integrating external gadgets not normally associated with games (e.g. radio, electronic weights, lamps, toasters, barbells, staplers, etc.) as part of the game. This achievement requires that you upload a video of your game to YouTube and link it to the upload (you still have to hand in your game), as well as describing the construction in detail Take Five Game can be played to completion in less than 5 minutes Lo-text Game has an interactive tutorial Over Achiever Implemented the main constraint with 3 or more different game mechanics Community Game behaviour is depended on how many people are playing it simultaneously at the same time Alternate Control Game runs on a pc (Win/Mac/Linux) and is controlled with (a) device(s) other than mouse, keyboard or console controller Universal Language Game has absolutely no text or numbers EGA Lives Game uses a maximum of 16 different colors in all, including light and shading